
Working together for Preemies

Over the last 2 decades, strides have been made in reducing the under-five mortality rate in Kenya from 108 per 1000 live births in 1995 to 50 in 2015. Nonetheless, a leading cause of deaths in infants, prematurity, has not had an equivalent dent and it is increasingly clear that

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Using new data approaches towards zero malaria

This 2021 malaria day clarion call ‘Zero malaria starts with me’ could not have been more appropriate in emphasising the need for ownership of the fight against malaria all and ensuring that malaria remains in the political agenda and resources are directed towards elimination. Indeed, malaria remains one of the

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What can we learn from the Covid-19 pandemic?

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has jolted the world out of a global public health slumber. We have been woken up to the fact that emerging infectious diseases pose a serious threat to our daily lives even with our modern sophistication and aspirations for disease eradication — or have we? The

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